Akash Juneja
25 years have passed by just like 25 days..., so fresh are the memories of old college friends. Those were the golden days of life that will be cherished forever. I long to relive those moments, eat those roadside paranthas, run long marathons, gossip late night, snacks at girls hostel, organising events for Students Aid, photocopying notes, 22 number phatak gehries, dance till drop, coffee while burning midnight oil, proxies lagana, ladna jhagadna, roothna aur manana and the list is non-ending. If asked by God, anything I wish to change in all those years, I would ask Him to return my friends taken away from us untimely. He dare take those memories and my precious moments of college days away from me ever, I will fight till eternity. Your memories belong to me and mine belong to you my friends, till the end of time. God bless us all.
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